Advanced User Interface Controls and Components

IntegralUI Web

Documentation and API Reference


Specifies an object that map the fields names of columns, rows and cells from data source to the ones used by the TreeGrid.

Parameters for column fields

allowDrag (default: 'allowDrag')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which determines whether column can be dragged
allowDrop (default: 'allowDrop')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which determines whether column can accept other columns during column reordering
allowFilter (default: 'allowFilter')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which determines whether filter can be applied or not
contentAlignment (default: 'contentAlignment')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents the alignment of column cells
contextMenu (default: 'contextMenu')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents the context menu attached to the column
editorType (default: 'editorType')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents the type of editor used for data editing in column cells
editorSettings (default: 'editorSettings')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents the object which holds the settings for the editor
editorTemplate (default: 'editorTemplate')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents an unique identifier of the editor template
filterParams (default: 'filterParams')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents the object which holds the settings for the filter
filterTemplate (default: 'filterTemplate')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents an unique identifier of the filter template
fixedWidth (default: 'fixedWidth')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which determines whether column width is fixed
footerAlignment (default: 'footerAlignment')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents the alignment of column footer
footerTemplate (default: 'footerTemplate')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents an unique identifier of the footer template
footerText (default: 'footerText')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents the label of column footer
headerAlignment (default: 'headerAlignment')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents the alignment of column header
headerTemplate (default: 'headerTemplate')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents an unique identifier of the header template
headerText (default: 'headerText')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents the label of column header
icon (default: 'icon')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents a DOM element used as column icon
id (default: 'id')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents an unique identifier for a column
maxWidth (default: 'maxWidth')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents the maximum width of the column
minWidth (default: 'minWidth')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents the minimum width of the column
style (default: 'style')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents the object which holds the names of CSS styles used for column appearance
visible (default: 'visible')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which determines whether the column is visible or not
width (default: 'width')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents the width of the column

Parameters for row fields

allowDrag (default: 'allowDrag')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which determines whether row can be dragged
allowDrop (default: 'allowDrop')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which determines whether row can accept other rows during drag-drop operation
allowFocus (default: 'allowFocus')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which determines whether row can accept the input focus
cells (default: 'cells')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents an array object which holds the row cells
contextMenu (default: 'contextMenu')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents the context menu attached to the row
enabled (default: 'enabled')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which determines whether row is enabled or disabled
expanded (default: 'expanded')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents the row state: expanded or collapsed
hasChildren (default: 'hasChildren')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which determines whether row has child rows
icon (default: 'icon')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents a DOM element used as row icon
id (default: 'id')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents an unique identifier for a row
pid (default: 'pid')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents an identifier for the row's parent
rows (default: 'rows')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents an array object which holds child rows
style (default: 'style')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents the object which holds the names of CSS styles used for row appearance
text (default: 'text')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents the row label

Parameters for cell fields

allowEdit (default: 'allowEdit')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which determines whether the cell is editable
cid (default: 'cid')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents an identifier which links a cell to a column
contextMenu (default: 'contextMenu')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents the context menu attached to the cell
enabled (default: 'enabled')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which determines whether cell is enabled or disabled
labelEdit (default: 'labelEdit')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which determines whether cell data can be edited using text editor
rid (default: 'rid')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents an identifier which links a cell to a row
style (default: 'style')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents the object which holds the names of CSS styles used for cell appearance
text (default: 'text')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents the cell label
value (default: 'value')StringSpecifies the name of a property in your data source which represents an object used as cell value

Property Value

An object with field names from a custom data source.


This property is accessed through 'data-fields' or 'fields' attribute of TreeGrid directive.

Version Information

Supported in: v1.0 and above.

Articles & Samples

See Also