Getting Started with IntegralUI TreeView Component

IntegralUI TreeView is a Blazor Component that displays tree hierarchy of items that can be reordered using advanced drag drop operations. You can load data on demand during run-time from local or remote data sources, and add custom HTML content in each tree item. In following sections, you can find details about various features available in the Blazor TreeView component.

Overview of IntegralUI TreeView Component for Blazor
TreeView component is part of IntegralUI for Blazor
a library of UI components for Blazor

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at

List of Included Features

A more detailed information is available here: Features in IntegralUI for Blazor components.

How to Use IntegralUI TreeView

At first, you need to install the IntegralUI for Blazor library on your side. Detailed information is available here: How to Use IntegralUI for Blazor. It provides information on how to setup and use components in Blazor .NET. In general, you need to open your application and add a reference to a component you want to use.

To use the IntegralUI TreeView component, you need to do the following:

  • Open a Blazor page in your project
  • Add code line that will import the IntegralUI components
  • Place the TreeView component using the IntegralUITreeView tag
  • Specify the generic TItem type that you will use as a data model
  • Set the Items property to connect the Tree View to your data source
  • (optional) Define the template that will be used to create the content for items using the ItemTemplate
  • (optional) Add custom HTML elements or other Blazor components inside the template
  • (optional) Add other features like drag-drop, sorting, filtering etc. require corresponding property or event to be set
  • (optional) Create a reference to the component using the @ref attribute, to call public methods

Here is an example:

@page "/"

@using IntegralUI.Components

<IntegralUITreeView @ref=treeRef TItem="CustomItem"

@code {
    // Get a reference to the IntegralUI TreeView component to call public methods
    private IntegralUITreeView? treeRef;

    // Data model
    public class CustomItem
        public bool Expanded { get; set; } = true;
        public string? Id { get; set; }
        public List Items { get; set; } = [];
        public string? ParentId { get; set; }
        public bool Selected { get; set; } = false;
        public string? Text { get; set; }

    // Define the component size
    public IntegralUISize ctrlSize = new() { Width = 500, Height = 400 };

    public List<CustomItem> items = new()
        new CustomItem
            Id = "1", 
            Text = "Favorites",
            Items = new()
                new CustomItem { Id = "11", ParentId = "1", Text = "Desktop" },
                new CustomItem { Id = "12", ParentId = "1", Text = "Downloads" },

        // . . .


Properties, Events and Methods

A detailed list for each property, event and method is available here: IntegralUI TreeView API.


You can populate the Tree View component with data from various sources. In general, you need to:

  • Create an object that will represent the data model
  • Apply it to the TItem property
  • Create or load a list of objects (based on specified data model) and apply it to the Items property

Data Binding in Blazor TreeView

If your data has different field names than the ones used by the TreeView, you may need to bind your data to the Tree View, using DataFields property. Although, having custom fields in your data is fully supported, this may be required if there is overlapping with predefined ones already used by the Blazor Tree View component. The most important fields that may require data binding are:

  • Expanded - specifies whether item is expanded or not
  • Id - a unique identifier used to distinguish the item in the tree hierarchy
  • Items - a list of child items for this item
  • ParentId - an identifier to the parent that contains this item
  • Selected - specifies whether item is selected or not
  • Text - represents the item label

There are many other predefined fields available, a complete list of fields in use is available as part of IntegralUIItemFields class.

When using templates you can define your own custom fields set in your code.

How to Add/Remove Items

You can create the tree hierarchy initially in code by adding new items one by one using public methods or you can load it from a local or remote data source. In the same way, you can remove items one by one or clearing the whole list at once.

Load Data on Demand

You can load a data list into the TreeView component using the LoadData method. Based on your data model and template, the Tree View will be populated accordingly.

Drag and Drop in Blazor TreeView

The Tree View component comes with built-in support for drag and drop operations. You can drag and drop items from one position to another within the same or to different components like: ListBox, ListView, TreeView or other Blazor components. During this process, several drag and drop events are fired that you can handle in your code and further enhance the drag drop functionality.

During drag and drop, a window with a list of dragged items appears and while dragging all other items will move making space where item(s) can drop. If there are multiple items dragged, the window will show maximum 3 items with a number in the corner stating how many additional items are dragged. A detailed information about different topics regarding how drag and drop works in TreeView for Blazor .NET is available here: Drag and Drop Overview.

Copy Item with Drag and Drop

Drag and Drop allows you to move items during run time from one position to another in the same or between different components. In addition, you can also create an item copy and place it at target location, by holding the SHIFT key when item is dropped.

Drag Drop Multiple Items

When drag and drop is enabled in Tree View component, you can move items one by one within the same or to other components. With multi selection enabled you can also drag and drop multiple items at the same time.

Filtering in Tree View for Blazor .NET

When you have large list with thousands of items, it may be hard to find specific item that you are looking for. For this purpose, it is better if you could filter the list so that only those items that match the filter criteria are displayed.

IntegralUI TreeView component includes an option to filter the list using multiple filters with different conditions using AND/OR logic. There are many String, Boolean and Numeric operators to choose from; in addition you can also create your own custom filter operations.

Filter List by Value

By default, when filtering is active you can filter the list by item's label using string operations. However, you can also filter list by value, which can be of any type, including objects set in custom fields as part of item object.

How to Add Multiple Filters

In TreeView you have an option to apply multiple filters with different conditions. You can search more than one field and filter the list data. You can combine multiple filters using AND / OR logic and create custom filtering formula.

Custom Filter

In most cases of filtering, only item's text or value field is used to match the current filtering value, which only uses one condition set with one filtering operation. However, if you want to create multi field data filters, you will need to create custom filter by specifying your own callback function.

Search and Highlight Items

In many cases, when using filtering in Blazor TreeView component, the list is filtered by specified conditions, showing only items that match the filter criteria. However, there is a way to show a full list and only highlight items that match the search value.


By default, Tree View component has an internal template shared among all items that displays the item label. This works in most cases, where you need to display a simple item. However, you can create your own custom content using the ItemTemplate and put any custom HTML elements or Blazor components inside the item space and arrange them in different layouts. You can also set conditions and display different content for each item separately or share the content between items.

In addition, you can use the ToolbarTemplate to show a custom toolbar of command buttons that will appear on the right side. You can specify whether this tollbar will appear always, when item is hovered, selected or in both conditions.


In TreeView only vertical scrolling is available. When the list is longer than the view size, a scrollbar will appear on the right side. You can change the scroll bar appearance to:

  • Static - scroll bar is always visible when there are more items than currently present in the view
  • Dynamic - scroll bar will appear only when mouse hovers over Tree View space

There are multiple ways to add new data to the TreeView, dynamically during run-time. You can add items one by one from code, load data using load more button or using infinite scrolling to load data on demand. In addition, you can scroll to specific item and show it in the current view of Tree View component.


There are four different options to select one or more items in TreeView component:

  • None - selection is disabled
  • One - only one item is selectable, default option
  • MultiSimple - you can select multiple items using just mouse clicks or touch
  • MultiExtended - you can select multiple items using mouse and CTRL or SHIFT keys

How to Select Multiple Items

By default, only one item is selectable in the TreeView. To enable multi selections, set the SelectionMode property to either MultiSimple or MultiExtended value. This allows you to select multiple items using mouse and by holding CTRL or SHIFT keys.


IntegralUI Tree View component comes with built-in support for sorting that allows you to sort items in ascending or descending order based on item's Text or Value field. Sorting is available for string, boolean, date and numeric values, but you can also create custom sorting methods that will sort items based on different fields or objects.


You can modify the TreeView appearance using CSS custom properties. Most parts of Tree View has a CSS custom property that you can change in on your side, for example: --iui-treeview-background, allows you to change the background color of the component. You only need to set the Id property of the Blazor Tree View component, and then use it as a CSS selector where you will set a new value:

For example:

@page "/"

@using IntegralUI.Components

<IntegralUITreeView Id="treeview-overview">

    // . . .


// . . .
// CSS
[id="treeview-overview"] {
    --iui-treeview-background: #fffbb5;
    --iui-treeview-border: #thin solid #dbc89e;
    --iui-treeitem-expand-box-margin: 4px 5px 0 0;

In general, you can change every component part in this way. In addition, item templates are fully customizable, with your own CSS settings.

Color Schemes and Themes

There are two color schemes that you can use: Dark and Light. By specifying the ColorScheme property you can change the overall component appearance to darker or lighter colors.


Add CheckBox to Items

By setting the CheckBoxes property to true, each item in the Tree View will display a check box in front of its label. ALso, you can create a custom item template, where you can add checkbox and place it on left, right side or in other position within the item space. For check boxes, you can use the IntegralUI CheckBox component or standard input or span element and set it to appear before the item label.

Add Context Menu to Blazor Tree View

Having a context menu is useful in cases when you want to extend the TreeView functionality with additional custom actions. For example, if you want to add or remove items, you can create a context menu with options that can provide that kind of functionality.

To show a context menu, inside the item template enwrap the item content with the IntegralUI ContextMenu component. In this way, whenever item is right-clicked a context menu will appear. You can also set conditions, so that only specific items can have a context menu or they will show a menu with different options.

Add Tooltip to Items

By default, items in Blazor TreeView component don't have a tooltip. However, you can create a tooltip for each item that will appear whenever mouse hovers over the item space, in similar way like with context menu, in this case usign the IntegralUI Tooltip component.


IntegralUI TreeView is a Blazor component that allows you to display items in a tree hierarchy and reorder them dynamically using advanced drag and drop operations. You can populate the TreeView using custom data source, locally or remotely. In addition, the component is fully customizable; you can use CSS custom properties or choosing a different color scheme or theme.

Tree View component is part of IntegralUI for Blazor that you can use to develop web applications with Blazor .NET framework.