Advanced User Interface Controls and Components

IntegralUI Lists for .NET WinForms

Rich data visualization controls

To demonstrate the possibilites and features implemented in IntegralUI Lists, you can download and test the following sample applications. Each sample is provided as a stand alone executable so it can be easily downloaded and tested. All samples are included with our products and are provided with complete source code. Each sample comes in two versions, C# and VB.NET.

Sample applications Size Download

AutoSize Column Width in ListView

Shows how to resize column width automatically to fit its content in ListView .NET. Click on column header edge to autofit its width or use autosize methods from code. 572 KB Download Sample - AutoSize Columns in ListView

How to Increase Space Between Items in ListBox .NET

Demonstrates how to add space between items in ListBox .NET control using spacing, margin and padding. 479 KB Download Sample - ListBox Item Spacing

Columns with Fixed Width in ListView .NET

An example on how to fix column width and how to make some columns locked to the left or right side in ListView .NET control. 572 KB Download Sample - ListView Columns with Fixed Width

Expand Node on Hover or by Clicking on Node's Text in TreeView .NET

Demonstrates how to expand or collapse a node while mouse cursor hovers over its space or when node’s text is clicked in TreeView .NET control, WinForms. 509 KB Download Sample - TreeView Expanding Nodes on Mouse Over or by Click on Node's Text

How to Create Items with Rich Content Using ListBox .NET

An example showing how to create item with rich content using various objects like text, images, hyperlinks and custom controls in ListBox .NET control and arrange them in custom layouts. 471 KB Download Sample - ListBox with Rich Text Items

Increase Space Between Columns in ListView

An example showing how to increase space between columns in ListView .NET control, and how to adjust the column width to fill remaining area. 574 KB Download Sample - ListView Column Spacing

In-Place Text Editing of SubItems in TreeListView

Learn how to use different in place editors to edit the label of subitems in TreeListView .NET control. The article explains the use of LabelEdit and TextControl as in place text editor. 564 KB Download Sample - TreeListView SubItem Text Editing

Load Data on Demand from XML File in TreeView

An example on how to load data on demand and populate the TreeView .NET control using partial or full data serialization from/to XML files. 506 KB Download Sample - TreeView Load on Demand


Demonstrates how to create an application similar to Windows Explorer, using IntegralUI Lists controls. 547 KB Download Sample - List Controls Explorer

Custom Catalog

An example on how to create a custom catalog by creating items with rich content using HTML tags in IntegralUI ListBox control. 568 KB Download Sample - Custom Catalog


Shows how to cerate expand items with additional content in IntegralUI ListBox control. 396 KB Download Sample - Messenger

TreeListView with Custom Embedded Controls

Demonstrates how custom controls can be included in IntegralUI TreeListView. Data is presented in advanced detail view with fixed columns to the left and right side, with several types of custom controls. 254 KB Download Sample - TreeListView Custom Embedded Controls

Image Scaling in ListView

See how images or icons of your files displayed with IntegralUI ListView can be rezised just by moving the size control slider. Displaying checkboxes and flags, as well as Office 2007 fading effect is also available for demonstration. 1.2 MB Download Sample - ListView Image Scaling