Advanced User Interface Controls and Components

IntegralUI TreeView for .NET WinForms

Rich hierarchical data visualization control

To demonstrate the possibilites and features implemented in IntegralUI TreeView, you can download and test the following sample applications. Each sample is provided as a stand alone executable so it can be easily downloaded and tested. All samples are included with our products and are provided with complete source code. Each sample comes in two versions, C# and VB.NET.

Sample applications Size Download

Show Child Nodes Above and Below Parent Node

Demonstrates how to display child nodes in upward direction when parent node expands in TreeView .NET control. Also shows how to expand/collapse all nodes using built-in methods. 508 KB Download Sample - Show Child Nodes Above And Below Parent Node

How to Add Hyperlinks in TreeView

An example showing how to create or add a hyperlink to node in TreeView .NET Control, WinForms. 454 KB Download Sample - TreeView with Hyperlinks

Show Different Image on Expand in TreeView

An example on how to show a different image when tree node is expanded or collapsed in TreeView .NET. 507 KB Download Sample - TreeView Show Different Image On Expand

Expand Node on Hover or by Clicking on Node's Text in TreeView .NET

Demonstrates how to expand or collapse a node while mouse cursor hovers over its space or when node’s text is clicked in TreeView .NET control, WinForms. 509 KB Download Sample - TreeView Expanding Nodes on Mouse Over or by Click on Node's Text

Load Data on Demand from XML File in TreeView

An example on how to load data on demand and populate the TreeView .NET control using partial or full data serialization from/to XML files. 506 KB Download Sample - TreeView Load on Demand


Demonstrates how to create an application similar to Windows Explorer, using IntegralUI TreeView control. 231 KB Download Sample - TreeView Explorer