Advanced User Interface Controls and Components

IntegralUI Web

Documentation and API Reference

IntegralUIListScroller Properties

A list of properties in IntegralUI ListScroller component.


  • controlStyle
  • Specifies an object that contains all style settings for the ListScroller
  • data
  • Specifies an object that holds data related to the component
  • enabled
  • Determines whether the ListScroller component is enabled or disabled
  • items
  • Gets the collection of items that are assigned to the ListScroller
  • itemSize
  • Gets or sets the width and height of all items in pixels
  • mouseWheelSpeed
  • Specifies the speed of the mouse wheel by which list is scrolled
  • name
  • Uniquely identifies the component
  • scrollMode
  • Specifies whether the view is scrolled horizontally or vertically
  • selectedItem
  • an object that points to the currently selected item
  • size
  • Gets or sets the component width and height in pixels
  • sorting
  • Gets or sets the sort order which items are sorted
  • state
  • Specifies the component state: disabled, hovered, etc.