Advanced User Interface Controls and Components

Articles for IntegralUI ListView .NET WinForms

In this section you can find a comprehensive set of articles on how to use IntegralUI ListView more effectively. If you want to write your own article to share your experience with other developers or you have specific feedback on what you would like to be elaborated, feel free to contact our support team by e-mail at

05 Nov 2013

AutoSize Column Width in ListView .NET

Explains how to resize column width automatically to fit its content in ListView .NET. Click on edge of column header to autofit its width or use autosize methods from code.

20 Sep 2013

Add Expandable Groups in ListView .NET

An example showing how to create and add groups that can expand and collapse in ListView .NET control.

01 Sep 2013

Load/Save Partial Data to XML files in ListView

An example on how to read and write partial data or a subset of items to XML files using built-in serialization techniques in ListView .NET control.

14 Aug 2013

Increase Space Between Columns in ListView

An example showing how to increase space between columns in ListView .NET control, and how to adjust the column width to fill remaining area.

14 Aug 2013

Add Image to Column Header

An example showing how to add or display a custom image to column header and align it to the right side before or after header text in ListView .NET control.

14 Aug 2013

Column Alignment in ListView .NET

An example showing how to set horizontal alignment of column text, subitems, header and footer in ListView .NET control. Also presents how to align text for single subitem.

12 Jan 2010

Create custom sort operation in ListView .NET control

Provides information how to create custom sort operation in ListView .NET control. A class from ICompare interface is created which compares DateTime values for specific column and sort items depending on current sort order.

01 Oct 2008

Columns with Fixed Width in ListView .NET

An example on how to fix column width and how to make some columns locked to the left or right side in ListView .NET control.

02 Jul 2007

ListView with Transparent Background

Learn how to set partial or full transparency to background of columns, items and subitems in ListView .NET control.

02 Jul 2007

ListView Items with Different Color

Learn how to display items in different colors in ListView .NET control. Even/odd rows show in alternate colors.